XolidoSign Desktop


Sign XML files of electronic receipts using XolidoSign

With XolidoSign Desktop, XML signature electronic (Factura-e) invoice files

With XolidoSign Desktop

Now you can use XolidoSign to sign XML files of electronic receipts Factura-e
With XolidoSign Desktop, XML signature electronic (Factura-e) invoice files

Configure your XolidoSign and automatically it will search for XML files. If XolidoSign finds a XML file with the space suitable for the name of FacturaE, it will perform a XAdES embedded signature following the standards of the Electronic Receipt (known as FacturaE, Factura-e, Facturae,…).

To get this new function go to: Options > Configuration > Signature preferences

"A guarantee of the authenticity of the origin and the integrity of the content of the receipt"